Lina describes herself as a mixture between the fluent, porling water and the deep vibrating hoofbeats of galopping herd of horses.
Her journey is a constant journey home. Home to her self, mother earth and the horses.
For the sake of that journey her life has been dedicated to transformation. Through tantra, through shamanic work, through ecopedagogy and through the work with horses and the rest of nature.
Today Lina’s days is all about holding space, for horses to tell their stories, for humans and horses to meet in a deeper level, for humans do dive deeper in to them selves and for spirit (in all forms) and humans to find a to live in harmony on this earth again.
She is the creator of the retreat and educational center School of Mother Earth in Sweden and holds digital courses for people all over the world. She also invites people to share their stories about their own journey home in different writing projects such as this one.
Lina is the proud publisher and initiator of this book and many more to come.
Instagram: School of Mother Earth