I can’t remember a time in my life that I didn’t yearn for a horse. My longing was fulfilled the first time when I was eight years old with the purchase of a young gelding named Blue Boy.
Within a few years, I set my sights on the horse show scene, and with that I said goodbye to Blue and hello to a fancier horse. I loved showing and winning ribbons! My life was blessed with the opportunity to ride and train horses in many disciplines. I even performed fancy dressage exhibitions on Andalusian and Arabian stallions.
I left the horse world when I got married, started a family, and began my career as a school teacher. When my children were grown, I picked up my horse dreams again, but found that my methods were no longer relevant. Slowly, my ways began to shift until I came across two wise mares. They gave me no alternative, but to plunge into a new exploration of the horse-human relationship. I believe they each found me and have been my guides on a spiritual journey of deep transformation. I have started a blog, which gives me space to explore all that I am becoming.
I currently reside in Montana with my husband and our three dogs. My horse, Glory, lives nearby and I see her daily. We own a real estate company in our small town. Our remarkable children are grown and live far away. We have four amazing grandchildren and enjoy traveling to visit them.
@mygloryhorse on Instagram
@cheripallett on Instagram